Keep it short!
Due to the new client GUI only the beginning of the report text could see by tapping the pin on map. That's why We advise You to write short and compact report description and begin with the detail which is the most relevant for the wazer. (Road or lane closure, road works, etc.)
A kliens új felülete miatt, a jelentés szövegének csak az eleje látszik, ha rábökünk a térképen a jelölőre. Ezért azt ajánljuk Nektek, hogy a leírásnál fogalmazzatok röviden, tömören és a wazer számára legfontosabb részlet kerüljön előre. (Út- vagy sávlezárás, útfelújítás, stb.)"
The "Feed The Waze" project's Feed Reporter level granted rights for reporting new events to the Waze's system
This is a Waze User created project for adding long-term traffic events (like roadworks) to the Waze map. The project is in early beta state, so if You find an error(or have an idea about it), please send a mail to the You must register Yourself, 'cause we haven't got direct access to the Waze's user database. Thank You for Your help!